Tuesday, December 1, 2020

EPS 95 Higher Pensione News: Revised EPS 95 Pension as per Honorable Supreme Court's judgment and all High Courts' judgments


As all 65 lakh eps 95 pensioners know EPS 95 Higher Pension related cases are long pending in supreme court. In view of this A V Ramana rtd DMO APCO President Weavers Welfare Council write email to resolve EPS 95 Pensioners long pending demands and Higher Pension related cases. Lets have look of this email, This information is shared for EPS 95 Pensioners record purpose only.

Subject-- Higher revised pension to the retired employees of the central government and other organizations under EPS 95 pension scheme as per Honorable Supreme Court's judgment and all High Courts' judgments since 2016 delivered to pay Revised higher pension based on actual salaries of them at the time of their retirement request kind-hearted Honorable  Sri Subramanya Swami garu to see the judgment implemented in the interest of 65 lakh Starving retired poor employees drawing rs 500/- to rs 1000/- per month for which we shall be grateful.

Ref-- my 6 copies of letters sent to you sir a short while ago addressed to the Hon'ble Prime Minister Government of India by mail for your kind information-seeking justice to 65 lakh destitute retired pensioners' lives.

I request  Sri Subrsswami Garu, who have been working for the welfare of the poor and downtrodden people of our country volunteerly to safeguard the interests of them, prey to see the subject and references cited above and save the lives of the lakhs of poor starving and dyeing pensioners unable to live with meagre pension of rs 500/- to rs 1000/-month duly pleading the case to implement the Supreme Court's judgment and high Courts' verdicts as early as possible.

With regards
Yours faithfully
A V Ramana rtd DMO APCO President Weavers Welfare Council Andhra Pradesh and

Copies submitted to

1. Hon'ble Chief Justice of Supreme Court

2. Sri Narendra Modi garu Hon'ble Prime Minister Government of India for information and necessary action

1 comment:

  1. इस सरकार ने गरीब 5 लाख किसानों की नहीं सुनी जो सरदी मे खुले आसमान के नीचे भूखे प्यासे पडे हैं बूढ़े गरीब पैशनँनर की तो आज तक सुनवाई. नहीं। चिकने गढ्ढे हो गये है।
