Showing posts with label epfo circular for eps pensioners. Show all posts
Showing posts with label epfo circular for eps pensioners. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Good News For EPS 95 Pensioners: EPS 1995 के प्रावधानों को समझने और पेंशन न मिलने, डिजिटल लाइफ सर्टिफिकेट आदि जैसी समस्याओं का हुआ समाधान

कर्मचारी भविष्य निधि संगठन (EPFO), क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय - जम्मू मंगलवार को आउटरीच कार्यक्रम निधि आपके निकट और पेंशन अदालत का आयोजन कर रहा है, जिसके दौरान क्षेत्रीय पीएफ आयुक्त- I रिजवान उद्दीन व्यक्तिगत रूप से सभी हितधारकों की शिकायतों और मुद्दों को सुना।

निधि आपके निकट एक सार्वजनिक आउटरीच कार्यक्रम है जो सभी हितधारकों की समस्याओं और शिकायतों को दूर करने का प्रयास करता है। कर्मचारियों और नियोक्ताओं को एक सामान्य मंच पर लाकर और संगठन (ईपीएफओ) द्वारा उनके हित में की गई नई पहलों के बारे में जागरूकता बढ़ाकर और उन्हें संवेदनशील बनाकर।

पेंशन अदालत मौजूदा और भावी पेंशनभोगियों को EPS 1995 के प्रावधानों को समझने और पेंशन न मिलने, डिजिटल लाइफ सर्टिफिकेट आदि जैसी उनकी पेंशन संबंधी शिकायतों के समाधान के लिए EPFO अधिकारियों के साथ घनिष्ठ बातचीत के लिए एक मंच प्रदान करती है।

सभी हितधारकों को उनकी शिकायतों के त्वरित निपटान के लिए और/या EPFO से संबंधित किसी भी समस्या का सामना करने के लिए उपरोक्त कार्यक्रम में भाग लेने के लिए आमंत्रित किया जाता है।

यहां जारी एक आधिकारिक बयान में कहा गया था कि यह स्थान ईपीएफओ क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय, रेलवे रोड, जम्मू, 180012 सुबह 10.30 बजे से आयोजित होंगी।


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

EPS 95 Higher Pension Cases 24 August Supreme Court Order: See Complete Order Delivered by Supreme Court, Supreme Court Refers EPFO Appeals to 3-Judge Bench

The Employees Provident Fund Organisation & Etc. …. Appellant(s)
Sunil Kumar B. & Etc. ….. Respondent(s)

W.P. (C) No.767/2021; SLP (C) No.3289/2021; CONMT. PET.(C) Nos.1917-1918/2018 IN C.A. Nos.10013-10014/2016; W.P. (C) No.406/2018; W.P. (C) No.368/2018; W.P. (C) No.393/2018; W.P. (C) No.395/2018; W.P. (C) No.374/2018; W.P. (C) No.372/2018; W.P. (C) No.385/2018; W.P. (C) No.360/2018; W.P. (C) No.1134/2018; W.P. (C) No.390/2019; W.P. (C) No.875/2019; W.P. (C) No.349/2019; W.P. (C) No.466/2019; W.P. (C) No.352/2019, SLP (C) Nos.16721-16722/2019, W.P. (C) NO.512/2019, W.P. (C) NO.511/2019, W.P.(C) NO.500/2019, CONTMT.PET (C) NOs. 619-620/2019 IN C.A. NOs.10013-10014/2016, W.P.(C) NO.601/2019, W.P.(C) No.1312/2019, W.P.(C) No.832/2019, SLP(C) NO.2465/2021, SLP(C)NO.3287/2021, DIARY NO.46219/2019, W.P.(C) No.1218/2020, SLP(C)NO.1366/2021, W.P.(C) No.1459/2020, W.P.(C) No.1332/2020, SLP(C) NO.3290/2021, W.P.(C) No.86/2021, SLP(C) NO.1738/2021, SLP(C) No.1701/2021, W.P.(C) No.414/2021, W.P.(C) No.477/2021, SLP(C) NO.8547/2021, W.P.(C) No.233/2018, W.P.(C) No.69/2018, W.P.(C) No.141/2018, W.P.(C) No.118/2018, W.P.(C) No.250/2018, W.P.(C) No.380/2018, W.P.(C) No.371/2018, W.P.(C) No.367/2018, W.P.(C) No.369/2018, W.P.(C) No.411/2018, W.P.(C) No.466/2018, W.P.(C) No.804/2018, W.P.(C) No.594/2018, W.P.(C) No.884/2018, W.P.(C) No.778/2018, W.P.(C) No.874/2018, W.P.(C) No.1149/2018, W.P.(C) No.1167/2018, W.P.(C) No.1430/2018, W.P.(C) No.1433/2018, W.P.(C) No.1428/2018, W.P.(C) No.269/2019 and W.P.(C) No.327/2019,



1. By Order dated 25.02.2021 these matters were broadly divided in four categories with lead matters being:-

“(i) SLP (C) No(s). 8658-8659/2019, 16721-16722/2019 [arising from the judgment dated 12.10.2018 passed by the High Court of Kerala];

(ii) SLP(C) Diary No(s). 46219/2019 [arising from the judgment dated 22.5.2019 passed by the High Court of Delhi] along with connected matter being SLP(C) No. 1366/2021 [arising from the judgment dated 16.12.2019 passed by the High Court of Delhi];

(iii) SLP(C) No. 2465/2021 [arising from judgment dated 28.08.2019 passed by the High Court of Rajasthan, Jaipur]; and

(iv) CONMT. PET.(C) No. 1917-1918/2018 in C.A. No. 10013- 10014/2016 [seeking implementation of the order dated 04.10.2016 passed by this Court in C.A.No.10013/201 :R.C. Gupta & Ors. Etc. etc. vs. Regional Provident Fund Commissioner Employees Provident Fund Organization & Ors. Etc.1] …...”

2. SLP (C) Nos.8658 – 59 of 2019 challenging the Judgment and order dated 12.10.2018 passed by the Division Bench of the High Court of Kerala in Writ Petition (C) Nos.602/2015 and 13120/2015 were initially dismissed by this Court on 01.04.2019.

Thereafter, SLP (C) Nos. 16721-22/2019 at the instance of Union of India challenging the very same judgment dated 12.10.2018 came up before this Court on 12.07.2019. While condoning the delay in preferring said SLPs, this Court directed that said SLPs be listed along with Review Petition (C) Nos.1430-31/2019 (which had since then been preferred against the order dated 01.04.2019 in SLP(C) Nos.8658-59/2019) in open Court.

3. When both sets of matters were listed before this Court on 29.01.2021, the submissions on behalf of the petitioners were noted as under:-

“Mr. C.A. Sundaram, learned Senior Advocate appearing for the petitioners in said Review Petitions invited our attention to the order dated 21.12.2020 passed by another Division Bench of the High Court of Kerala by which the correctness of the earlier decision dated 12.10.2018 was doubted and the matter was referred to Full Bench of the High Court.

Mr. Sundaram, also invited our attention to the decision of this Court in M/s Pawan Hans Ltd. & Ors. vs. Aviation Karmachari Sanghatana & Ors [2020(2)SCALE 1942] and specially paragraph 6.6 of the decision.

It was submitted that as a result of the directions issued by the High Court in its order dated 12.10.2018, benefit would get conferred upon employees retrospectively which, in turn, would create great imbalance.”

4. Thereafter, this Court recalled the order dismissing SLP (C) Nos.8658-8659 of 2019 and the entire bunch of matters was directed to be listed for disposal.

5. It may be noted here that the Division Bench of the High Court of Kerala in its order dated 12.10.2018 had relied upon the decision of two Judges of this Court in R.C. Gupta1 . Said decision had set aside the judgment and order passed by the Division Bench of the High Court of Himachal Pradesh in LPA Nos.411-12 of 2012 which had inter alia accepted the submission that under the proviso to Clause 11(3) of the Employees’ Pension Scheme there was a cut-off date. Paragraphs 7, 9 and 10 of the decision in R.C. Gupta1  were as under:-

“7. Reading the proviso, we find that the reference to the date of commencement of the Scheme or the date on which the salary exceeds the ceiling limit are dates from which the option exercised are to be reckoned with for calculation of pensionable salary. The said dates are not cut-off dates to determine the eligibility of the employer-employee to indicate their option under the proviso to Clause 11(3) of the Pension Scheme. A somewhat similar view that has been taken by this Court in a matter coming from the Kerala High Court3, wherein Special Leave Petition (C) No. 7074 of 2014 filed by the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner was rejected by this Court by order dated 31-3-20164. A beneficial scheme, in our considered view, ought not to be allowed to be defeated by reference to a cut-off date, particularly, in a situation where (as in the present case) the employer had deposited 12% of the actual salary and not 12% of the ceiling limit of Rs 5000 or Rs 6500 per month, as the case may be.

9. We do not see how exercise of option under Para 26 of the Provident Fund Scheme can be construed to estop the employees from exercising a similar option under Para 11(3). If both the employer and the employee opt for deposit against the actual salary and not the ceiling amount, exercise of option under Para 26 of the Provident Scheme is inevitable. Exercise of the option under Para 26(6) is a necessary precursor to the exercise of option under Clause 11(3). Exercise of such option, therefore, would not foreclose the exercise of a further option under Clause 11(3) of the Pension Scheme unless the circumstances warranting such foreclosure are clearly indicated.

10. The above apart in a situation where the deposit of the employer’s share at 12% has been on the actual salary and not the ceiling amount, we do not see how the Provident Fund Commissioner could have been aggrieved to file the LPA before the Division Bench of the High Court. All thatthe Provident Fund Commissioner is required to do in the case is an adjustment of accounts which in turn would have benefited some of the employees. At best what the Provident Commissioner could do and which we permit him to do under the present order is to seek a return of all such amounts that the employees concerned may have taken or withdrawn from their provident fund account before granting them the benefit of the proviso to Clause 11(3) of the Pension Scheme. Once such a return is made in whichever cases such return is due, consequential benefits in terms of this order will be granted to the said employees.”

6. Relying on the decision in R.C. Gupta1, the Division Bench of the High Court of Kerala made following observations in the judgment which is under challenge in matters of the first category: -

“32. The Apex Court has thus found the insistence on a date for exercise of the joint option to be without any justification. In other words, the proviso to paragraph 11 of the Pension Scheme does not stipulate a cut off date at all. Any such stipulation of a cut-off date for conferring benefits under the Pension Scheme would have the effect of classifying the employees into persons who have retired before or after the said date”

6.1 The Division Bench of the High Court then found that the effect of the amendment to the Pension Scheme created following classes of pensioners on the basis of the date namely 01.09.2014: -

  • “(i) employees who have exercised option under the proviso to paragraph 11(3) of the 1995 Scheme and continuing in service as on 01.09.2014;

  • (ii) employees who have not exercised their option under the proviso to paragraph 11(3) of the 1995 Scheme, and continuing in service as on 01.09.2014;

  • (iii) employees who have retired prior to 01.09.2014 without exercising an option under paragraph 11(3) of the 1995 Scheme.

  • (iv) employees who have retired prior to 01.09.2014 after exercising the option under paragraph 1193) of 1995 Scheme.”

6.2 The amendments to the Pension Scheme were therefore found to be arbitrary and the Writ Petitions were allowed with following directions: -

  • “(i) The Employee’s Pension (Amendment) Scheme, 2014 brought into force by Notification No.GSR. 609€ dated 22.08.2014 evidenced by Ext.P8 in W.P.(C) No.13120 of 2015 is set aside;
  • (ii) All consequential orders and proceedings issued by the Provident Fund authorities/respondents on the basis of the impugned amendments shall also stand set aside.
  • (iii) The various proceedings issued by the Employees Provident Fund Organization declining to grant opportunities to the petitioners to exercise a joint option along with other employees to remit contributions to the Employees Pension Scheme on the basis of the actual salaries drawn by them are set aside.
  • (iv) The employees shall be entitled to exercise the option stipulated by paragraph 26 of the EPF Scheme without being restricted in doing so by the insistence on a date.”

7. Challenging the view taken by the High Court Mr. C.A. Sundaram, learned Senior Advocate inter alia relied upon the decision of the Constitution Bench of this Court in Krishena Kumar Vs. Union of India.

Paragraphs 1 and 2 of said decision disclose that the petitioners in SLP (C) No.8461 of 1986 and in WP No.1165 of 1989 had retired with Provident Fund benefits and their claims to switch to pension scheme after retirement having been rejected, specific challenge was raised. In support of such challenge, reliance was placed on the decision of this Court in D.S. Nakara and Others vs. Union of India. The challenge was rejected by the Constitution Bench with following observations: -

“32. In Nakara it was never held that both the pension retirees and the PF retirees formed a homogeneous class and that any further classification among them would be violative of Article 14. On the other hand the court clearly observed that it was not dealing with the problem of a “fund”. The Railway Contributory Provident Fund is by definition a fund. Besides, the government’s obligation towards an employee under CPF Scheme to give the matching contribution begins as soon as his account is opened and ends with his retirement when his rights qua the government in respect of the Provident Fund is finally crystallized and thereafter no statutory obligation continues. Whether there still remained a moral obligation is a different matter. On the other hand under the Pension Scheme the government’s obligation does not begin until the employee retires when only it begins and it continues till the death of the employee. Thus, on the retirement of an employee government’s legal obligation under the Provident Fund account ends while under the Pension Scheme it begins. The rules governing the Provident Fund and its contribution are entirely different from the rules governing pension. It would not, therefore, be reasonable to argue that what is applicable to the pension retirees must also equally be applicable to PF retirees. This being the

legal position the rights of each individual PF retiree finally crystallized on his retirement whereafter no continuing obligation remained while, on the other hand, as regard Pension retirees, the obligation continued till their death.

The continuing obligation of the State in respect of pension retirees is adversely affected by fall in rupee value and rising prices which, considering the corpus already received by the PF retirees they would not be so adversely affected ipso facto. It cannot, therefore, be said that it was the ratio decided in Nakara that the State’s obligation towards its PF retirees must be the same as that towards the pension retirees. An imaginary definition of obligation to include all the government retirees in a class was not decided and could not form the basis for any classification for the purpose of this case. Nakara cannot, therefore, be an authority for this case.”

8. Mr. Sundaram relied upon the observations that Pension Retirees and Provident Fund Retirees did not form a homogeneous class and that the Rules governing the Provident Fund Scheme were entirely different from the Rules governing Pension Scheme.

After inviting our attention to the various provisions of the Employees’ Pension Scheme, it was submitted that the difference between the Provident Fund Scheme on the one hand and the Pension Scheme on the other was well recognized. Under the former scheme, the contributions made by the employer and the employees during the employment of the employee would be made over to the employee along with interest accrued thereon at the time of his retirement. Thus, the obligation on the part of the operators of the Provident Fund Scheme would come to an end, after the retirement of the employee; whereas the obligation under the Pension Scheme would begin when the employee retired. Under the former scheme, the liability was only to pay interest on the amount deposited and to make over the entire amount at the time of his retirement. On the contrary, in the latter scheme, it would be for the operators of the Pension Scheme to invest amount deposited in such a way that after the retirement of the concerned employee the invested amount would keep on giving sufficient returns so that the pension would be paid to the concerned employee not only during his life time but even to his family members after his death. If the option under paragraph 11(3) of the Scheme, was to be afforded well after the cutoff date, it would create great imbalance and would amount to crosssubsidization by those who were regularly contributing to the Pension Scheme in favour of those who come at a later point in time and walk away with all the advantages. 

It was submitted that the emphasis on investment of the amount in both the funds would qualitatively be of different dimension. The difference between two schemes which was fulcrum of the decision in Krishena Kumar was not so noted in the subsequent decision in R.C. Gupta1. In his submission it would not be a mere adjustment of amount to transfer from one fund to another as stated in R.C. Gupta1 and that the decision in R.C. Gupta was required to be re-visited. 9. These, and the other submissions touching upon the applicability of the principle laid down in the decision in R.C. Gupta go to the very root of the matter. Sitting in a Bench of two Judges it would not be appropriate for us to deal with said submissions. The logical course would be to refer all these matters to a Bench of at least three Judges so that appropriate decision can be arrived at.

10. The principal questions that arise for consideration are whether there would be a cut-off date under paragraph 11(3) of the Employees’ Pension Scheme and whether the decision in R.C. Gupta1 would be the governing principle on the basis of which all these matters must be disposed of.

11. The Registry is, therefore, directed to place these matters before the Hon’ble the Chief Justice for requisite directions so that these matters can be placed before a larger Bench.

New Delhi,
August 24, 2021


Tuesday, June 29, 2021

EPS 95 Higher Pension Update: Implementation of the orders of the Hon'ble Supreme Court directing the EPFO to pay revised higher pension to the retired EPS 95 pensioners based on the actual salaries along with the enhancement of Minimum pension to Rs 7500+DA along with medical reimbursement as requested Regarding.

With Reference to our Representations to the Hon'ble Chief Justice of Supreme Court, Sri N V Ramana Garu Dated 1. 6 th June 2021, 2. 12 th June 2021, 3. 23 rd June 2021, 4. 26 th June 2021

Kind attention of the Hon'ble Chief Justice of Supreme Court of India Sri N V Garu is invited to the subject and references cited above

Sir we have requested the Hon'ble Chief Justice kindly look into into the matter and save the lives of the retired pensioners Duly disposing the pending review petitions filed by Central Government and EPFO against the Supreme Court's judgement.

Sir we are very much pained to let the Hon'ble Chief Justice to know that around 25 lakh rtd pensioners out of 60 lakh have lost their lives out of starvation unable to get on with the meagre pension of rs ranging from rs 300/- to 1000/- per month all over the country.

The bereaved family members of the respective Demised pensioners find no way except to forcibly Die or commit suicides with out food, in case of further delay in the disposal of the Review petitions.

Recently in a case the hon'ble supreme court cautioned the state government of AP that if a citizen dies due to negligent attitude of the government, the government shall pay rupees ONE Crore to the family members.

We submit the hon'ble Chief Justice that around 25 lakh EPS 95 retired pensioners died due to willful negligent attitude of the hon'ble Prime Minister Government of India, without giving scope to implement the Judgement of the Hon'ble Supreme Court by filing Review petitions, 1. on behalf of Central Government and second Review petition from EPFO and seeking continuous adjournments years together. Hence the Prime minister of India Sri Narendra Modi garu is solely responsible for the deaths and is liable to pay One Crore Rupees to each bereaved family of the Demised pensioners and request the Hon'ble Supreme court to order for the payment of Compensation to the extent of rs 1 Crore to the bereaved families.

We further request you sir kindly see the Judgement delivered by the Hon'ble Supreme Court is implemented immediately duly Disposing off the review petitions and orders  issued for the minimum wages of rs 750+DA+Medical reimbursement to the retired pensioners with out allowing further adjournments expected  to be sought by the Govt and EPFO

With regards
Yours faithfully
A V Ramana rtd DMO APCO President Weavers Welfare Council AP and Telangana states

(one among the 65 lakh retired employees)

Copy Submitted to the hon'ble Prime Minister Government of India to pay Rupees One Crore to each bereaved family members of the Retired pensioners who died during the last one Decade following the failure of the Central Government to settle the issue of pension.


Sunday, June 27, 2021

EPS 95 Higher Pension Cases Hearing Update: Very Important Information for 67 Lakh EPS 95 Pensioners Regarding Higher Pension Cases Hearing

Very Important Information for 67 Lakh EPS 95 Pensioners Regarding Higher Pension Cases Hearing

Dear friends ,

We are getting number of phone calls from our pensioner friends regularly to know d status of higher pension matter. so we would once again wish to  infom that d matter is now pending in Supreme Court for hearing n order. court will open on 1st july. thereafter our dealing advocates will take steps for early hearing of our cases.

In d mean time our Assn has send a petition to CJI for early hearing of our cases n our friends of Telengana state has also met CJI at Hydrabad discussed with him n has given a representation for early hearing of our cases. we are also in regular touch with our NCR leaders at Delhi about d case matter n they are taking all steps. we are hopeful that d matter will be taken up in july for hearing.

Eminent lawer Sri Kapil Sibal ji will plead our case as understood from Gurmukh Singh ji earlier .our dealing advocates are read for hearing of d cases n sufficient data has been given by Praveen kohli ji to advocates to counter d stand of EPFP. most unfortunately Central Govt is fighting against us to deprive d poor EPS-95 pensioners from getting higher pension to meet food n medicine expenses at d last stage of their life in spite of orders of Supreme court n many high courts. so friends we have to wait for some days for d decision of Supreme Court.

Please take care of yourself n your family during this Corona pandemic



Thursday, June 10, 2021

Good News for EPF/EPS Members: EPF/EPS सदस्यों के खातों में जुलाई अंत तक आ सकता है पैसा, सरकार ने दी मंजूरी जानिए कितनी राशि होगी जमा


कोरोना महामारी की दूसरी लहर के बीच EPFO (Employees' Provident Fund) के 6 करोड़ खाताधारकों को अगले महीने जुलाई अंत तक खुशखबरी मिलने वाली है। सूत्रों के हवाले से खबर मिली है कि सब्सक्राइबर्स के PF अकाउंट में जुलाई में मोटी रकम आने वाली है, क्योंकि कर्मचारी भविष्य निधि संगठन यानी EPFO वित्त वर्ष 2020-21 के लिए 8.5 परसेंट ब्याज सब्सक्राइबर्स के अकाउंट में ट्रांसफर कर सकता है, सरकार ने इसे हरी झंडी दे दी है।

Good News! EPFO सब्सक्राइबर्स के खातों में जुलाई अंत तक आ सकता है 8.5 परसेंट ब्याज?

मिली जानकारी के मुताबिक श्रम मंत्रालय की मंजूरी के बाद EPFO के सब्सक्राइबर्स के खातों में ये 8.5 परसेंट ब्याज की ये रकम जुलाई के अंत तक आ जाएगी। मंत्रालय से मंजूरी के बाद जल्द ही ट्रांसफर की प्रक्रिया को शुरू किया जाएगा। इसके पहले पिछली बार वित्त वर्ष 2019-20 में भी KYC में हुई गड़बड़ी की वजह से ब्याज मिलने में कई सब्सक्राइबर्स को 8 से 10 महीने का लंबा इंतजार करना पड़ा था। देश में 6.44 करोड़ लोग PF के दायरे में आते हैं।

आपको बता दें कि EPFO ने वित्त वर्ष 2020-21 के लिए ब्याज दरों को बिना बदलाव के 8.5 परसेंट पर बरकरार रखने का फैसला लिया था जो कि पिछले 7 साल के निचले स्तर की ब्याज दर है। इसके पहले वित्त वर्ष 2013 में EPF पर ब्याज दरें 8.5 परसेंट थीं। पिछले साल मार्च में EPFO ने ब्याज को रिवाइज किया था। इसके पहले वित्त वर्ष 2019 में EPF पर 8।65 परसेंट ब्याज मिलता था। EPFO ने वित्त वर्ष 2018 में 8.55 परसेंट ब्याज दिया था, जो कि इसके पहले वित्त वर्ष 2016 में ये 8.8 परसेंट था। इसके पहले वित्त वर्ष 2014 में ये 8.75 परसेंट था।

इसके अलावा EPF खाताधारकों को दूसरी बार मिली PF एडवांस निकालने सुविधा

इसके अलावा कोरोना की दूसरी लहर को देखते हुए EPFO ने अपने करोड़ों खाताधारकों को एक बार फिर राहत दी है। EPFO ने दूसरी बार PF से एडवांस रकम निकालने की फैसिलिटी दी है। इसके पहले पिछले साल मार्च में EPFO ने अपने सब्सक्राइबर्स को ये राहत दी थी कि वो अपना PF का पैसा एडवांस में निकाल सकते हैं। निकाली गई ये रकम भी नॉन रीफंडेबल है, यानी इसको लौटाने की जरूरत नहीं है। जितनी रकम निकालेंगे, उतनी रकम को उनके PF बैलेंस से घटा दिया जाएगा।

Monday, June 7, 2021

EPS 95 LATEST NEWS TODAY: EPS 95 पेंशनधारकों के अनशन के सफल होने के बाद EPS 95 न्यूनतम पेंशन 7500 बढ़ोतरी को लेकर राष्ट्रीय स्तर के नेताओं की बैठक संपन्न हुई

National Agitation Committee:-

देशव्यापी उपवास-

अनशन के सफल होने के बाद दिनांक 02.06.2021 को शाम 5.00 बजे NAC के राष्ट्रीय स्तर के नेताओं की "Zoom मीटिंग संपन्न हुई। इस बैठक में देश के सभी वरिष्ठ नेताओं की उपस्थिति थी। इस मीटिंग के आयोजक श्री बापूजी पात्रा, राष्ट्रीय सचिव ने किया सभी का स्वागत। मा. NAC चीफ ने किया सभी का स्वागत, देशव्यापी उपवास-अनशन कार्यक्रम के सफल आयोजन के लिए दी सभी को बधाई दी।

राष्ट्रीय महासचिव ने मा.NAC चीफ की पूर्व सम्मति से रखे कुछ महत्वपूर्ण प्रस्ताव। दक्षिण भारत के मुख्य समन्वयक श्री सी एस प्रसाद रेड्डी,उत्तर भारत के मुख्य समन्वयक श्री रणजीत सिंह दसुंदी, राष्ट्रीय सचिव श्री ओम शंकर तिवारी,वेस्ट बंगाल के प्रांतीय अध्यक्ष श्री तपन दत्ता, उत्तर प्रदेश के प्रांतीय अध्यक्ष, प्रदीप श्रीवास्तव, महाराष्ट्र के कार्यकारी अध्यक्ष श्री सुभाष पोखरकर, बंगलुरू के उपाध्यक्ष श्री नागराज,NAC नेता श्री रमाकांत नरगुंड, श्री गणेशन जी, शमसुल हसन, श्री राजीव भटनागर , श्री ओ पी शर्मा , राजस्थान के मिडिया प्रभारी श्री रणवीर सिंह जोलावास, मेवाड़ जन जातीय क्षैत्रीय जिलों के संयुक्त जिलाध्यक्ष श्री इंद्रसिंह राणावत, जोधपुर संभागाध्यक्ष श्री दयाल दहलवानी, प्रतापगढ़ जिलाध्यक्ष एवं चित्तोड़गढ़, भीलवाड़ा, प्रतापगढ़ के संयुक्त जिलाध्यक्ष के प्राक्सी श्री सुरेश पाटीदार तथा हरियाणा एवं एनसीआर (नई दिल्ली) से एच. पी. एस. ओबराय मुकेश मेहन, विनोद कुमार सहित कई वरिष्ठ नेताओं ने चर्चा में भाग लिया व अपने व विचार रखे।

इस बैठक में महत्व पूर्ण निर्णय लिये गये:-

पार्लियामेंट के इसी मान्सून सत्र के पहले या सत्र के चलते EPS 95 पेंशनर्स की मांगों को मंजूर करवाने के लिए किया गया लक्ष्य निर्धारण। दिनांक 1 जून के उपवास कार्यक्रम की अपने अपने राज्य की समीक्षा करने के बाद दिनांक 05.06.2021 को सभी प्रांतों के प्रांतीय अध्यक्ष प्रधानमंत्री जी को पत्र लिखकर उस पत्र की प्रतिलिपि अपने अपने प्रांतों के सांसद महोदय को भी इ-मेल द्वारा भेजेंगे।

Save EPS 95 Pensioners: यह देशव्यापी अभियान चलाया जाएगा व इस अभियान में पेंशनर्स के परिवार के सदस्यों/मित्रों/हितैषियों के सहयोग से अपनी आवाज को सरकार तक पहुंचाया जाएगा।

इस कार्यक्रम का अलग से पोस्ट किया जा रहा है: जिला स्तर से राष्ट्रीय स्तर के NAC नेताओं के संपर्क हेतु फोन व पता की डायरी प्रकाशित करने का भी निर्णय लिया गया है।  साथ ही तहसील स्तर तक संगठन विस्तार पर बल दिया गया.

मा. NAC चीफ ने किया विशेष मार्गदर्शन व मीटिंग के आयोजन के लिए दिया श्री बापूजी पात्रा व सभी नेताओं को धन्यवाद दिया।

NAC के राष्ट्रीय स्तर के नेताओं की जूम बैठक ईपीएस 95 पेंशनर्स की मांगों को पूरा करने के लिए कड़ी मेहनत करने के संकल्प के साथ संपन्न हुई।

Thursday, June 3, 2021

EPS 1995 Higher Pension Cases with the issue of hike of minimum pension as an Urgent Matter During the Vacation and Complete Justice

3rd June 2021 

By email /speed post

For personal kind attention


Sri N V Ramana 

The hon'ble chief justice of India , New Delhi 

Sub: Sincere Request for taking up the EPS 1995 cases with the issue of hike of minimum pension as an URGENT MATTER DURING THE VACATION AS A SUE MOTO CASE and COMPLETE JUSTICE AT THE

EARLIEST kindly sought for all the retirees over the range of meagre pension , found to be FEROCIOS under the provident fund Act , reg .

Respected sir , 

With very humble request before the hon'ble supreme court , it is submitted that there are about 67 lakhs of EPS 95 pensioners among whom the issue is of higher pension on actual wages and it's APPLICABILITY to exempted companies with other issues , the cases of which are to be heard by the hon'ble supreme court that relates to crores of in service employees too for their life security after retirement and rest of other cases that ACCOUNT IN MAJORITY drawing the pension in the range of less than Rs 1000 and about Rs 2800 , even on revision of pension when takes place , or otherwise , being non- beneficiaries of higher pension , due to insufficient Pensionable service unaccounted of the period of family pension scheme 1971 for which Petitions have been submitted to the hon'ble supreme court by number of EPS pensioners/Associations ALSO NEED JUSTICE BY HIKE OF MINIMUM PENSION to meet the present minimum cost of livelihood . What is the average minimum cost of livelihood in present days is not an unknown fact and also very much known to the hon'ble govt .But it is , for sure that the demand made for hike of minimum pension is certainly not much but in fact low just to survive life not totally depending on others . They are going unnoticed disregarding what has been contributed by these retired employees while in service that has built up and helped the growth of the nation what it looks to day . How long and how much they could pour out their sorrows other than with tears before the hon'ble govt speaks what not !

THE MANAGEMENT OF THE COST OF LIVELIHOOD MAINTENANCE DOES MATTER PRIMARILY to the EPS pensioners . What matters to these senior citizens is not touching the hearts of the concerned authorities .

A) Two terms are made for definition of pensionable service .One pensionable service that includes the period family pension scheme 1971 and another that accounts post EPS 1995 service as pensionable service is taken in total for grant of 2 service weightages on completion of 20 years as per the circular reference no pension /7915 dated 22/25-7-2016 of Sri S K Takhur , Addl central P F commissioner -1 (pension) EPFO new Delhi .

 B) The term of pensionable service that includes the service of family pension scheme 1971 is also held to be accountable for determination of pension as per the judgement of National consumer disputes redress-al commission ( N C D R C) new Delhi in case  of Subash Chandra Banerjee case petition no 1563 of 2009 on 21-10-2016.

C) But the EPFO takes only post period of service of EPS 1995 as pensionable service defined for determination of pension that reduces the quantum of benefit of pension in case of the retirees of early period of EPS 1995 . 

D) The pension is not indexed with living cost remaining stagnant throughout .

E) No annual relief / revision has been provided for the past more than 20 years 

All the above factors A to E have contributed for the present situation to the EPS 95 pensioners who have been demanding for hike of minimum pension indexed with cost of living to bear the present cost of minimum life .

The definition of the term of Pensionable service needs to be determined logically and scientifically in the context of two definitions framed for pensionable service .

Therefore the hon'ble supreme court may kindly address the issue the hike of minimum pension applicable to all the retirees to be provided inclusive of non pensioners as a Sue moto case urgently at the earliest date in a humanitarian gesture , ALONG WITH THE EPS 95 CASES posted for hearing to have AN UNISON EQUALITY OF JUSTICE that settles the matter as a whole in respect of all the pensioners in order that no one gets denied of justice kindly not ignoring the position the pensioners have as stated below .




Having worked in Boards , corporations , big or small industries/ factories on day and night work shift while in service without normal sleep against the nature at the cost of health , now have had to live to see this situation of worrying for the cost of minimum livelihood maintenance after service .




 It is a CHOKED AND DISHEARTENED VOICE CALL of the retirees of private and public enterprises undergoing the untold sufferings of livelihood for it's maintenance with grave economic insecurity with the pension in the range of less than Rs 1000 and not much above Rs 2500 under the employees pension scheme 1995 FOR a complete JUSTICE to have a LIVABLE AND NORMAL LIFE , in the situation of unsupported of children in nuclear family system of the present days , constrained with present cost of livelihood that is anybody's guess .THE SCALE OF DAMAGE DONE TO THE POOR AND VERY POOR PENSIONERS SUFFERING FOR BASIC NEEDS IN LIVELIHOOD IS UNIMAGINABLE TO BE FOUND VISIBLY NOTICEABLE WHEN THEY ARE LOOKED AT IN THEIR ACTUAL POSITION.

It is the most brazen violation of right to life disrespecting it . There is a total lack of consideration for the lives of Retirees deprived of minimum socio- economic security against the contribution made to the pension fund under the provident fund Act . 

It is the voice of EPS 1995 pensioners and non pensioners majority of whom are not better educated and not economically advantaged living under trying situations accounting in lakhs together worked in small medium and big industries with lower wages of their time to be kindly heard for determination of fair and livable pension that serves it's purpose to meet just minimum cost of life of the day that runs in order of about Rs 10000 , an average minimum cost of life across the country for necessary directions to the hon'ble central govt for protection of minimum economic security for basic survival , given the position that the hon'ble central govt has maintained "a rather Stoic silence " and been answer less logically and the govts of the past that did not make attempts to find an implementable and successful solutions , remained insensitive with no remedial action for redress al of greivences of lakhs of pensioners spread across the country for long period of decades and not acknowledged the human crises , not containing it and not recognizing the Universal right to livelihood and right to health care despite much displeasure , mental torture and unrest growing more and more over the time , expressed in memorandums being submitted continuously and exhibited through their meetings conducted from District levels to the National capital new Delhi with Satyagrahas of chain hunger strike followed by one day hunger strike by all the pensioners settled across the country . No problem exists without it's solution .

More importantly whatever benefit it may be , if the pensioners get it through hike of minimum pension or on actual wages it is consumed for the needs that yield tax to the govt , not turning into black money 

 It does not auger well that the senior , very senior citizens of this democratic country are in turmoil under stressed conditions with bad economic insecurity after service. Some honble members of parliament , being the real representatives of citizens have rightly spoken about the pension problem and demanded for hike of minimum Pension to the EPS 95 pensioners for protection of economic security with sensitivity and humanity concern .

Even the Honble national human rights commission has not addressed the issue for HIKE of MINIMUM PENSION despite having been brought it to it's kind knowledge for violation of human rights in respect of EPS 1995 pensioners drawing meagre pension more than two years back although the issue is very much related to it for rendering justice regardless of the strength of aggreived desolate senior very senior citizens .

 Since inception of the EPS 1995 , no govt of the day that came into power never noticed with sensitiveness as to what has been happening to the EPS 95 pensioners in their livilihood with the meagre pension provided .What has been repeatedly put , time and again is that the system of pension is based on Defined contribution -Defined benefit social security scheme not index or inflation linked remaining stagnant through out until and unless benefit accrues through actuarial valuation of the contribution fund . Resultantly the story is before all the pensioners being faced with it's consequences of economic insecurity for the past more than 25 years . 

 The EPS 1995 of defined contribution -defined benefit not index or inflation linked is designed providing the very meagre pension that creates sever economic insecurity to the pensioners taking away the lives of the pensioners with untold and unspeakable hardships . The concerned authorities continues to be not inclined for revamping this PENSION scheme with immediate hike of minimum pension , despite the reports of parliamentary committee/ committee of 31 hon'ble members of parliament on labour issue in support of hike of minimum pension . Lakhs of pensioners are dieing by degress with injustice of exploitation under unspeakable circumstances and still the issue hangs .

   The hon'ble supreme court held as THE LAST HOPE and TRUST of the citizens aggrieved of injustice has to advise the hon'ble govt for necessary course of action by granting them the relief through hike of minimum Pension with constitutional obligations that addresses the problem as they approach it exhausting the options .

   If the hon'ble highest judiciary of the nation and the hon'ble central govt as well do not decide , at the need of hour , the fate of these retirees crying for just survival with basic needs to be met with by fair minimum pension , being as an important , sensitive and most urgent matter to be addressed , then where would they go deserves to be thought with conscience .

   The senior , very senior citizen EPS 1995 pensioners and also non pensioners need the life protection under the provisions of rights guaranteed in the constitution valuing our contribution made in prime life that led to the growth of the nation . 

Therefore the retirees under the provident fund Act sincerely request the hon'ble supreme court to render the kind justice urgently for providing minimum economic security by moderate fair minimum pension indexed with inflation cost that serves it's purpose in present cost of life alongside the cases of EPS 1995 for kind dispensation of justice .

Sir , we would expect with very much hope that our problem that warrants urgent necessary action by the hon'ble govt , would kindly be solved by your honour .

With very high regards ,

Sincerely your's 

ShamRao , national secretary 

EPS 1995 pensioners coordination committee ,

Bidar , Karnataka .



EPS95 National Agitation Committee (NAC)

Press note

We all are senior citizens of the country, EPS 95 pensioners.

67 lakh EPS 95 pensioners of India who have paid Rs. 417/-, Rs.541/- and Rs.1250/- per month in the service period of 30 to 35 years to be deposited in the Pension Fund, the present value of which is Rs. 15 to 20 lakhs, he is getting only 500 to 3000 rupees pension for social security.

It is absolutely impossible for two older people to live respectfully in this sign.

The Employees' Provident Fund Organization had published an official advertisement on 7.01.1996 stating that the EPS 95 pension would be 10% or more profitable than the government pension. Also the Employees' Provident Fund Organization had promised to evaluate the pension along with the price index every three years or earlier. It was then promised that the employees' capital would be returned to their nominees after their death. However, none of the promises were followed by the Employees' Provident Fund Organization.

The return on capital was unilaterally withdrawn in 2008. In 2014, he changed 12 months average salary to 60 months average salary based on pension calculation, reducing the amount of pension.

According to the report of Bhagat Singh Koshyari Committee in the year 2013 on the issue of minimum pension, it is recommended to link it with inflation. However, nothing has been implemented in this regard.

In the year 2014 Hon'ble Prime Minister announced a Minimum pension of Rs 1000/- but most of the pensioners are still deprived of the benefit of that.

Employees' Provident Fund Organization is continuously doing injustice to EPS95 pensioners.

In its judgment dated 4.10.2016, the Supreme Court ordered to give higher pension on actual pay. The Employees' Provident Fund Organization had also accepted this decision and issued a circular dated 23.3.2017 but taking a 'U' turn, they issued an interim advisory dated 31.5.2017, in which the pensioners so-called Exempted The pensioners of the institutions were forced to go to court.

To fight this injustice, 95 pensioners of EPS from across the country have formed an organization under the leadership of Commander Ashok Raut under the name "Rashtriya Sangharsh Samiti".

The organization is active in 27 states of the country. To fight this injustice, NAC pushed from heel to top, organized thousands of agitations all over the country including big fronts and dharnas in Delhi.

mother. After the assurance of the Labor Minister and on appeal, all the agitations have been withdrawn, but in front of the District Magistrate's office in Buldhana (Maharashtra), NAC's headquarters, a gradual fast is going on since 24.12.2018 and today is the 889th day of this fasting movement.

NAC leaders called on Hon'ble Prime Minister on 4th March 2020. mother. The Prime Minister assured the NAC leaders of resolving the issue on a war footing. More than a year has passed since then but nothing happened. Hence, tremendous anger/ outrage is being witnessed among the aged pensioners and their families.

Helpless Senior Citizen With great hope, Mr. Looking up to the Prime Minister as the decision will affect his life with dignity. mother. A nationwide fasting day program has been organized on 01.06.2021 to remember the fulfillment of the promise given by him to the Prime Minister.

EPS 95 Pensioners Demands are as follows:-

1. Minimum monthly pension of Rs.7500 and dearness allowance should be given thereon.

2. The Interim Advisory dated 31st May 2017 of the Employees' Provident Fund Organization should be withdrawn and EPS 95 to the pensioners. The option of higher pension should be given according to the order of the Supreme Court and the circular of EPFO dated 23.03.2017

3. Provide free medical facilities to all EPS 95 pensioners and their spouses.

4. EPS 95 Retired employees who are not members of the EPS 95 scheme should be allowed ex post membership by recovering the contribution along with interest and allowing them proper dues otherwise they would be entitled to pension of Rs. 5000/- per month can be fixed

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

EPS 95 Pensioners Very IMP Information: EPS 95 Pensioners opinion on EPS 95 Pensioners Higher Pension cases Hearing in Supreme Court Every EPS 95 Pensioner Must Know

EPS 95: खुद कोर्ट की सला95 ह है कि आवेदन करके उन्हें अवगत कराया जाय कि किसी प्रकरण की सुनवाई तत्काल करने को क्यूँ उपयुक्त समझा जाये।इंसान की जिंदगी से बढ़ कर और क्या कारण हो सकता,जहाँ उम्रदराज पेंशनर्स रोजाना सतगति को प्राप्त हो रहे हों, क्या अभी तक किसी ने भी ऐसा प्रयास नहीं किया ? शायद इसीलिए हमें सिर्फ तारीख ही मिल रही हैं,हमारे प्रकरण को URGENT HEARING के लिए उचित कभी माना ही नहीं गया।इस पर किसी को कुछ कहना है तो बताए कि हमारे साथ ऐसी स्तिथि किन कारणों से हुए जा रही है।

Anil Kumar Namdeo, EPS 95 पेंशनधारक


F. No. /Judl.(I)/2021
20th April, 2021


In continuation of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) dated 04.07.2020 and circular(s) issued earlier regarding mentioning of matter(s), it is hereby notified for the information of all concerned:

(a) only urgent matters will be listed for hearing w.e.f. 22.04.2021. and

(b) the Advocate-on-Record/Party-in-Person may send signed and verified mentioning-application along with synopsis containing the grounds of urgency not exceeding one page in the fresh matter only by e-mail at the email address on working days by 1.00 PM (Monday to Friday) and by 11.30 AM (Saturday) and the same shall be processed for listing on the next to next working day, subject to availability of the concerned Bench and approval of the Competent Authority. The mentioning applications received thereafter shall be processed for listing on the working day after the next to next working day. and

(c) the Advocate-on-Record/Party-in-Person may send signed and verified mentioning-application along with synopsis containing the grounds of urgency not exceeding one page in the IA (Interlocutory Application) in pending matter and Miscellaneous Application (MA) in disposed of matter only by e-mail at the email address on working days by 1.00 PM (Monday to Friday) and by 11.30 AM (Saturday) and the same shall be processed for listing on the next to next working day, subject to availability of the concerned Bench and approval of the Competent Authority. The mentioning applications received thereafter shall be processed for listing on the working day after the next to next working day, subject to availability of the concerned Bench and approval of the Competent Authority. and

(d) Matter for Urgent listed mentioning shall be considered as per the guidelines laid down in circular Number F.No. 9/Judl.(I)/2019 dated 23rd January, 2019. (Annexure -I)

Sd/-                                                                                                                           Sd/- 

(Vinod Singh Rawat)                                                                                               (Anil Laxman Pansare)

Registrar (J-II)                                                                                                         Registrar (J-I)

20.04.2021                                                                                                               20.04.2021