Tuesday, June 29, 2021

EPS 95 Higher Pension Update: Implementation of the orders of the Hon'ble Supreme Court directing the EPFO to pay revised higher pension to the retired EPS 95 pensioners based on the actual salaries along with the enhancement of Minimum pension to Rs 7500+DA along with medical reimbursement as requested Regarding.

With Reference to our Representations to the Hon'ble Chief Justice of Supreme Court, Sri N V Ramana Garu Dated 1. 6 th June 2021, 2. 12 th June 2021, 3. 23 rd June 2021, 4. 26 th June 2021

Kind attention of the Hon'ble Chief Justice of Supreme Court of India Sri N V Garu is invited to the subject and references cited above

Sir we have requested the Hon'ble Chief Justice kindly look into into the matter and save the lives of the retired pensioners Duly disposing the pending review petitions filed by Central Government and EPFO against the Supreme Court's judgement.

Sir we are very much pained to let the Hon'ble Chief Justice to know that around 25 lakh rtd pensioners out of 60 lakh have lost their lives out of starvation unable to get on with the meagre pension of rs ranging from rs 300/- to 1000/- per month all over the country.

The bereaved family members of the respective Demised pensioners find no way except to forcibly Die or commit suicides with out food, in case of further delay in the disposal of the Review petitions.

Recently in a case the hon'ble supreme court cautioned the state government of AP that if a citizen dies due to negligent attitude of the government, the government shall pay rupees ONE Crore to the family members.

We submit the hon'ble Chief Justice that around 25 lakh EPS 95 retired pensioners died due to willful negligent attitude of the hon'ble Prime Minister Government of India, without giving scope to implement the Judgement of the Hon'ble Supreme Court by filing Review petitions, 1. on behalf of Central Government and second Review petition from EPFO and seeking continuous adjournments years together. Hence the Prime minister of India Sri Narendra Modi garu is solely responsible for the deaths and is liable to pay One Crore Rupees to each bereaved family of the Demised pensioners and request the Hon'ble Supreme court to order for the payment of Compensation to the extent of rs 1 Crore to the bereaved families.

We further request you sir kindly see the Judgement delivered by the Hon'ble Supreme Court is implemented immediately duly Disposing off the review petitions and orders  issued for the minimum wages of rs 750+DA+Medical reimbursement to the retired pensioners with out allowing further adjournments expected  to be sought by the Govt and EPFO

With regards
Yours faithfully
A V Ramana rtd DMO APCO President Weavers Welfare Council AP and Telangana states

(one among the 65 lakh retired employees)

Copy Submitted to the hon'ble Prime Minister Government of India to pay Rupees One Crore to each bereaved family members of the Retired pensioners who died during the last one Decade following the failure of the Central Government to settle the issue of pension.


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