Wednesday, April 21, 2021

EPS 95 Pensioners Very IMP Information: EPS 95 Pensioners opinion on EPS 95 Pensioners Higher Pension cases Hearing in Supreme Court Every EPS 95 Pensioner Must Know

EPS 95: खुद कोर्ट की सला95 ह है कि आवेदन करके उन्हें अवगत कराया जाय कि किसी प्रकरण की सुनवाई तत्काल करने को क्यूँ उपयुक्त समझा जाये।इंसान की जिंदगी से बढ़ कर और क्या कारण हो सकता,जहाँ उम्रदराज पेंशनर्स रोजाना सतगति को प्राप्त हो रहे हों, क्या अभी तक किसी ने भी ऐसा प्रयास नहीं किया ? शायद इसीलिए हमें सिर्फ तारीख ही मिल रही हैं,हमारे प्रकरण को URGENT HEARING के लिए उचित कभी माना ही नहीं गया।इस पर किसी को कुछ कहना है तो बताए कि हमारे साथ ऐसी स्तिथि किन कारणों से हुए जा रही है।

Anil Kumar Namdeo, EPS 95 पेंशनधारक


F. No. /Judl.(I)/2021
20th April, 2021


In continuation of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) dated 04.07.2020 and circular(s) issued earlier regarding mentioning of matter(s), it is hereby notified for the information of all concerned:

(a) only urgent matters will be listed for hearing w.e.f. 22.04.2021. and

(b) the Advocate-on-Record/Party-in-Person may send signed and verified mentioning-application along with synopsis containing the grounds of urgency not exceeding one page in the fresh matter only by e-mail at the email address on working days by 1.00 PM (Monday to Friday) and by 11.30 AM (Saturday) and the same shall be processed for listing on the next to next working day, subject to availability of the concerned Bench and approval of the Competent Authority. The mentioning applications received thereafter shall be processed for listing on the working day after the next to next working day. and

(c) the Advocate-on-Record/Party-in-Person may send signed and verified mentioning-application along with synopsis containing the grounds of urgency not exceeding one page in the IA (Interlocutory Application) in pending matter and Miscellaneous Application (MA) in disposed of matter only by e-mail at the email address on working days by 1.00 PM (Monday to Friday) and by 11.30 AM (Saturday) and the same shall be processed for listing on the next to next working day, subject to availability of the concerned Bench and approval of the Competent Authority. The mentioning applications received thereafter shall be processed for listing on the working day after the next to next working day, subject to availability of the concerned Bench and approval of the Competent Authority. and

(d) Matter for Urgent listed mentioning shall be considered as per the guidelines laid down in circular Number F.No. 9/Judl.(I)/2019 dated 23rd January, 2019. (Annexure -I)

Sd/-                                                                                                                           Sd/- 

(Vinod Singh Rawat)                                                                                               (Anil Laxman Pansare)

Registrar (J-II)                                                                                                         Registrar (J-I)

20.04.2021                                                                                                               20.04.2021


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