Tuesday, November 3, 2020

EPS 95 Pensiones News: Sri Harbhajan Singh ,Hon'ble member of CBT EPFO New Delhi eMAIL by EPS 95 Pensioners for EPS 95 Pension HIke

By email on1st November 2020
Sri Harbhajan Singh,
Hon'ble member of C B T
EPFO  New Delhi.
Respected sir,

We are approaching you, one of CBT members, as saviour of humanity you stand for it always, what we observed and felt it in the past by your approach and expression as regards the pension range, minimum pension provided to EPS 1995 pensioners. Perhaps it will be out of your memory that I have written to your good self in the past also about the problems of minimum pension of the pensioners.

As your good self know that majority of EPS 1995 pensioners of seventies period of entry into service do not have the scope of higher pension with their insufficient Pensionable service of EPS 1995, and low wages of their time. Most of them belong to poor category unsupportive of children in the nuclear family system, suffering very much with untold miseries of life for survival with the present range of pension being non-beneficiaries of higher pension. Their situation has furthermore aggravated with the pandemic disease of Covid-19.

EPS pensioners about 40 lakhs or so, being non-beneficiaries and negligible beneficiaries of higher pension are crying in silence in their pathetic conditions of LIVELIHOOD   day and night with the present range of pension and also even with refixation of pension on actual wages as it is found to be a UNLIVEABLE pension that does not meet the cost of average minimum life.
In the light of their total past service of pre-EPS 95, ignored for a pension benefit, these pensioners are kindly to be protected of socio-economic security and human dignity by a liveable pension linked with DA as being sought by the pensioners in order that they live a normal happy stress-free life without much dependency on others.

These senior citizens EPS pensioners are the persons who had shouldered the responsibility of building the nation in general and society/community in particular and have left their guidance gained through relative experience that cannot be ignored for fair pension that keep them normal.
So we request your kind self,  sir,  that in the upcoming CBT meeting, the proposal of enhancement of minimum pension with D A  may please be the first agenda item to be approved sensing /understanding the ground reality of the situation being faced by the pensioners.

The pension of EPS 1995 that ought to have been put in order by removal of its deficiencies with necessary amendments long back taking into account of the total service of pensioners under the family pension scheme and EPS 1995 service as well with a contribution to the pension fund,  needs now to be revisited, in particular on very very priority among others for enhancement of minimum pension with DA (a component of service pension) linked to inflation of prices that meets the present cost of average minimum life what the pensioners have been demanding for years together on the streets by all peaceful protests with countless memorandums .

Had the EPS 95 pension linked with D A  been adopted with the actual total service and last drawn actual wages followed by revisions as done in case of govt servants, undoubtedly there would have been justice of fair pension to the pensioners not giving scope for various litigations that have come up now before the judiciary. Sadly it has not happened. Whatever exists now is required to be dealt with by  logic, scientific and above all humanistic approach.

We all EPS pensioners now are looking forward to your kind self to end our crises combating our situation by hike of minimum pension with DA  that stands to the reason as being sought .

With regards
Your's sincerely
ShamRao, national secretary,
EPS 95 pensioners coordination committee.
Bidar, Karnataka.

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