Saturday, March 13, 2021

EPS 95 Pensioners: UOI and EPFOs Actual Data of Pooled Fund of EPS 1995. Critical Financial Analysis 2019-20


Union of India and EPF for actual data with respect to Pooled fund of EPS 1995. Pooled fund of EPS 1995 stood at Rs. 530846.39 Crore as on 31st March 2020, the accumulated corps of the EPS 95 has steadily increasing to Rs. 530846.39 Crore as per annual report for the year 2019-2020 and since the year 2012-2013 the Corps has increased by almost 289 %.

EPFO is not even utilizing the total interest earned on Pooled fund for payment of pensions under EPS 1995 as interest earned during the year 2019-20 is Rs. 39042.05 Crores and Pension Payment is Rs. 11320.89 Crores only. Therefore, the play made by the EPFO before various courts that the fund is deficit is not tenable.

Growth of the pooled can be judged from the following table:

This information is shared for EPS 95 pensioners information only. The table each shows how growth of pooled fund judged.

Total Corps increase during the year 2019-20 Rs. = 93083.85 Croses

Pension Disbursement increased during the year 2019-20 = Rs. 113.50 5 Crores

Interest income increased during the year 2019-20 = Rs. 6059.37 Crores

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