Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The hike of minimum pension with DA to EPS 1995 pensioners, EPS 95 Penioner Appeal to Sri Bharatruhari Mahtab ji,

Sri Bharatruhari Mahtab,
Hon'ble Chairman,
The parliamentary committee on labour,
Hon'ble Member of parliament, Cuttack constituency, Orissa.

Sub: The hike of minimum pension with DA  to EPS 1995 pensioners, reg.

Respected sir,

It is submitted that as already expressed vide my letter dated 21st October 2020 about the bad situation of EPS 95  pensioners, deprived of socio-economic security and human dignity as well with the existing meagre pension range ( less than Rs 1000 to about Rs 3000 ) provided under the employee's pension scheme 1995,  it is felt by all these pensioners that kindly let there be an interim report of recommendation for an immediate hike of minimum pension by your good self as chairman of the parliamentary committee of 31 members on labour to be given to the hon'ble prime minister based on the present cost of minimum life of the citizens of our country in the ongoing process of parliamentary committee with its discussions on labour issues.

The hike of minimum pension needs to be based on what meets the cost of minimum LIVELIHOOD and not on what works out as per the present fund management as it can surely be adjusted in the resources being generated constantly that remains to be held as a corpus,  being non-refundable contribution fund of the pensioners.

What is getting circulated now about the hike of minimum pension just doubling it by information by RTI has become a cause of furthermore frustration among the pensioners if it is going to happen. That amount again falls in the existing meagre pension range of the non - beneficiaries of higher pension keeping the burning issue unsolved and very much alive.

So the pensioners humbly request and appeal to your kind self to send an interim recommendation report of the committee immediately to the hon'ble govt for a hike of minimum pension around  Rs 9000 with DA as a base for its a decision in order that the pensioners live their stress-free normal life with justice. The demand of this minimum pension is not illogic and unscientific but the actual requirement for the present needs of minimum normal LIVELIHOOD.

Kindly conscience shall prevail in the decision of the hon'ble govt through your interim recommendation report.

With regards
Sincerely your's
ShamRao, national secretary,
EPS 95 pensioners coordination committee, BIDAR, Karnataka.

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