Sunday, October 11, 2020

EPS 95 Pensoner Higher Pension Update | Very Important Message to All 65 Lakh EPS 95 Pensionrs

EPS 95 Higher Pension Case Status In Supreme Court | EPS 95 Higher pension News | 7500+DA

Recently Sahebrao Charade, President Electricity Board Retired Employees Union, Center Nagpur shared very important information regarding EPS 95 Pensioners Higher Pension to EPS 95 Pensioners ready reference.

Shri. Sahebrao Charade, Said in His Message

Retired power worker friends

As the court closes because of the corona, it may seem as if the dialogue has diminished. But that is not strange.

I am constantly doing something in the interest of our organization and on the occasion of the pension court case. But I won't say it all over again because retired employees today only hope for the news when the pension case arises and the result is in their favor once and for all and I have an idea.

Today I do not get a contributory pension scheme 1995 at all. I myself work on my land in Nagpur district and work as a legal advisor to the accused power worker. There is some income from it. Prior to retirement, I have been working in the HR department for a long time and have also studied law, so I am working with a social spirit for this BR624 court case. There are often difficulties in doing so. Rarely does anyone criticize you. But I continue to work, ignoring that. I can't do this alone. Some retired employees and officers like you have been brought together because of this pension work. All those who have retired from the post of Chief Engineer and Director from Class IV are voluntarily with us today. The faith and love of all those honorable members is my strength and inspiration, the strength of the organization. It is because of you that I have become mentally strong. I have no words to thank you all.

It is good news that our lawyers have predicted that the case will be heard in the Nagpur High Court by the end of September or by October 15, 2020, even though the case has been pending for some time due to Corona. I have told your lawyers to meet the court registrar and request that your courtcase be taken for hearing as soon as possible.

Your written argument is ready with the right documents and evidence for your case. However, the points of contention must be kept confidential as it is not given in this information. All I want to say is that all of you should believe that the important thing is that many old retired employees who have joined this organization have to pay Rs.500 (Rs. As per the request, he is voluntarily depositing the subscription in his organization's bank account online and also through Dattatreya Pate Pune through Facebook, new members are being added daily and subscriptions and donations are being collected.

Dear member friends, more members need to be involved in this work. Because in future, if the court asks the question of how much is the paid membership, then it is necessary to show the number of members so that the Hon'ble Court will be satisfied through the association. Currently, the number of retired employees is around 30,000. Ten percent of this, even if we can show the number of members, is enough. For this, every member needs to contribute a little bit. New applicants will be contacted for an update on this pension and court case.

!! A humble request !!

We present the details of the subscriptions we are currently collecting at the annual general meeting. But some retired employees are curiously asking in groups or individually. They are told that such questions and doubts will be addressed at the next general annual meeting but should not be asked for at present. We keep all the deposits (membership fees and donations) in the form of term deposits in your organization's bank account and not a single rupee is spent on meetings, tours, stationery, tea or meals. The whole affair is transparent. Because financial management is reliable.

Once again a heartfelt thank you to all the members.

It is hoped that the corona's influence will be lessened before Diwali and all transactions will start smoothly. There must be some good news about your pension too.

Stay home stay safe
Yours sincerely
Sahebrao Charade,
President Electricity Board Retired Employees Union,
Center Nagpur

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