Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Good News For EPS 95 Pensioners | EPS 95 Pensioner write letter to The hon'ble chief justice of Supreme Court to Resolve EPS 95 Higher Pension Issue


As all EPS 95 Pensioners know EPS 95 Higher Pension related cases is still pending in Supreme Court of India because of this many EPS 95 Pensioners are away from getting higher pension. We also know that in April 2019 Supreme Court delivered historical decision in the favor of EPS 95 Pensioners and Maintain the KERALA HIGH COURT judgement and allowed higher pension on actual salary.

After Supreme Courts this decision EPFO filed a review petition on this Supreme Courts decision and final decision on this review petition is yet come, to resolve these EPS 95 Pensioners Higher Pension related issue one of EPS 95 Pensioner write letter to The hon'ble chief justice of Supreme court of India.

In this letter EPS 95 Pensioner Preyed to resolve EPS 95 Pensioners Higher Pension cases as early as possible and allow higher pension to pensioners.

The Letter as Below

The hon'ble chief justice ,
Supreme court of India
New Delhi
Respected sir,

With most due respect to your kind self it is submitted that some grievances directly related to the livilihood hardship conditions of majority of EPS ( employees pension scheme ) 1995 pensioners settled across the nation suffering untold hardships are brought to your kind knowledge as hereunder for rendering the justice in review petition /SLP of EPS 1995 case. 

The EPS 1995 pensioners , having no scope of higher pension in the scheme who account in more than about 30 lakhs among the total strenth of it , get the very meagre pension that seems to be rather unbelievable by citizens unconnected to the scheme although a reality , in the range of less than Rs 1000 at minimum and about Rs 3000 at maximum without dearance allowance for the past 20 years against their total provident fund contributory service of about 25 plus to 40 years amidst the scenario of better system of pension with D A in case of central and state govt servants and multiple pensons system provided to the elected /nominated persons of legislative bodies of parliament and state assemblies for the different spells of public services. 

The EPS pensioners in question who contributed to growth of the nation in various sectors are living their life in the worsened conditions depending on others at the mercy and being unable to manage it with meagre amount of pension in the present nuclier family system of life , the wives of these pensioners do service as home servants in their present age. 

The universal formula of pension fixation on the basis of total regular service with 12 months last drawn actual wages which is ought to have been adopted has not been done in the employees pension scheme 1995.

Instead , the EPS 1995 came into effect with the formula of pensionable service that accounts only post EPS 1995 period of service ignoring the total past pre EPS 1995 service , with the ceiling of wages at Rs 5000 and then Rs 6500 and now raised to Rs 15000 for the purpose , regardless of actual wages drawn exceeding it.

In consequences of optional period of exercise for higher pension, non-coverage of exempted companies for higher pension , ceiling of wages for pensionable salary and the non-coverage period of pre-EPS 1995 for pensionable service and other impractical conditions imposed to be complied with by the pensioners for higher pension besides other changes causing discriminations among pensioners ,the litigations of EPS pensioners have come up. 

Now with the probable final hearing to take place in the coming days , the pensioners pray to seek justice by the hon'ble supreme court in the review petition and SLP filed by the EPFO ( employees provident fund organisation ) new Delhi and the hon'ble govt of India against the cases of EPS 95 pensioners kindly keeping in view of the meagre pension provided .

The purpose of writing this letter to your good self is that ; 

 Kindly these pensioners who joined service in early seventies and retired in early period of post EPS 1995 pensionable service with no scope of benefit of higher pension have to have a liveable pension that suffice it to the present cost of livilihood without much dependancy on others for their needs . The present average minimum cost of living of individual family across the nation is around Rs 10000. 

These pensioner 's basic requirement for minimum pension is Rs 7500 with it's applicable dearance allowance based on the appropriate present valuation of the recommendation report of parliamentary committee 147 given seven years back .

Given the above facts in brief, the EPS pensioners , unbenefited of the higher pension on actual wages in the present pension scheme are to be protected by ensuring socio-economic security and restoring their human rights (now deprived) providing fair pension for their qualifying service in order that they live distress-free life with human dignity.

My most humble and sincere request before the hon'ble supreme court is that while hearing the review petition filed by the EPFO against the cases of pension of EPS 95 tagged together , the justice that relates to the lakhs of organised class of workmen pensioners of India may kindly cover the minimum pension with D A to be provided to these pensioners at the level mentioned above that suffice it to present days minimum cost of life ,among other main issues . 

"I solemnly declare with an oath that the particulars furnished herein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief ."

ShamRao s/o late Ganpatrao
#19-6-317 , shivnagar(N) Bidar 585402 ,Karnataka
With high regards
Your's sincerely
ShamRao ,EPS 1995 Pensioner. 


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