Tobacco boars ministry of commerce & industry government of India invites application form for this filling of filed officer, filed assistant other vacancies in the tobacco board guntur. This recruitment details are officially published in website Candidates go to the official website for download recruitment details and application form. Total number of jobs are 39 jobs. This tobacco board jobs are filed officer, filed assistant,driver, stenographer, LDC, statistical assistant computer operator jobs. Candidates go to the official website for download application form and filled application on or before 24.08.2014.
Post name and number of posts given below:
Post name:
1. Statistical officer - 01
2. Filed officer/ technical assistant- 13
3. Statistical assistant 01
4. lower division clerk- 11
5. Filed assistant - 08
6. Stenographer grade-III - 01
7. Computer operator - 01
8. Driver- 03
Total number of jobs are 39.
Eligibility and education details are given below:
Age: Candidates age should be 18-35 years for post no. 1 and remaining all post required 18-30 years.
Education Qualification:
Post graduation statistics or mathematics/ commercial economics for post no. 1, B.Sc agriculture and knowledge of tobacco cultivation and grading for post no.2, bachelor degree in statistics or masters degree in mathematics or economics or commerce for post no.3, 10+2 and passed typing lower grade examination for post no.4, 10+2 , knowledge of tobacco cultivation & grading for post no.5, graduation, passed English typewriting examination @40 wpm English short hand examination for post no. 6, degree with knowledge of typing for post no.7, 10 th class or equivalent and posses LMV driving licence for post no.8.
Selection of candidates is based on the online/ written examination/ skill test/ interview.
How to apply:
Candidates who want to apply for this recruitment of tobacco board guntur they go to the official website and download application form and filled application form submit on or before 24.08.2014.
Tobacco board guntur filed officer, field assistant jobs recruitment 2014 download application form important dates, links given below.
Last date for submission of receipt application: 24.08.2014.